If you have lost multiple teeth, our dentists, Dr. Angelie Zamora and Dr. Rebecca Kim, may recommend that you consult with our internationally known prosthodontist about full-arch dental implants. Implant-supported dentures can replace an entire arch of teeth using just a few strategically placed implants, giving you back a healthy, functional and confident smile.
Call Smiles Family Dental at 972-444-9337 to schedule your consultation with our renowned prosthodontist and learn more about full-arch dental implants in Irving, Texas.
Dental Implants Prevent Premature Aging
Effects of Tooth Loss
When you lose a tooth, you may not realize what long-term consequences might occur. Your jawbone is kept strong and healthy due to stimulation from your tooth roots secured in the bone. When a tooth is lost, the jawbone starts to shrink in that area. This leads to your facial volume decreasing, which can give you an aged appearance.
Dental implants can take the place of your missing tooth roots to prevent your jawbone from shrinking and your facial volume from decreasing. Implants can provide the stimulation your jawbone needs to stay healthy for the rest of your life if you care for them properly.

Get your new teeth fast with TeethXpress® in Irving, Texas.
“When I saw my new teeth for the first time, I couldn’t stop smiling. I was so happy – I almost started crying”
Carly, age 39
TeethXpress® Dental Implant Patient
Benefits of Replacing Multiple Teeth With Dental Implants
- Enhanced stability in the jaw
- No adhesives needed
- Low maintenance
- Prevention of jawbone loss
- Normal chewing function
- Long-lasting results

Implant Dentures vs. Conventional Dentures

- Sturdy foundation
- Jawbone preservation
- Improved chewing
- Enhanced comfort
- Less maintenance needed
- Unstable foundation that may loosen
- Jawbone recession
- Reduced chewing ability
- Possible gum irritation
- Ongoing maintenance required

Dental Implants: The Ideal Tooth Replacements

- Less attractive smile
- Weakened chewing
- Jawbone resorption

- Grinding on healthy teeth
- Risk of cavities and failure
- Jawbone resorption

- Similarity to natural tooth
- Normal chewing
- Jawbone preservation